Welcome to Christopher Slitor Video

Christopher "Kit" Slitor
Arlington, VA
Since 1988, I have videotaped over 3000 military honors services at Arlington National Cemetery. The final product is on DVD (or other format by arrangement). No other person has videotaped more services at Arlington Cemetery than I have. I do a splendid job and will be happy to talk with you personally to review your needs. I serve my clients conscientiously, unobtrusively and sensitively. My videos are carefully crafted and edited. You will get excellent value and service. I am the most qualified, being completely familiar with military, religious, and logistical protocols. These include standard or full honors, grave side or chapel services for all religious backgrounds, ranks and branches of the Armed Forces. |
"The Most Experienced Videographer in the World for Video Recording Military Services at Arlington National Cemetery"
Latest news
May 29th, 2012
Christopher Slitor's Funeral Video Services new website is launched.
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May 19th, 2012
Filmed the 150th Anniversary Celebration of TAPS at Arlington Cemetery on May 19, 2012
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“It's been a pleasure dealing with you. It's been a difficult time for me and you have made the process much more bearable.”